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Tyra Harnishfeger

Fruit of the Heart

A Talk by Tyra Harnishfeger (Proverbs3Three)

About this Talk

Proverbs 3:3 says to never let love and faithfulness leave us. We are to write them on the tablets of our hearts. By developing our biblical thinking, love, faithfulness, and the totality of the fruit of the spirit will flood every corner of our hearts. Imagine how our lives might glorify God when our minds and hearts are pointing toward Him! Without right thinking, the tablets of our hearts remain tarnished with deceit (Jeremiah 17:9). We will explore our biblical thinking, while learning strategies for reflecting and journaling. My prayer is that our time together will create Ezekiel 36:26 changes to our hearts. My prayer is that the love and faithfulness in our hearts overflows into our lives for God's glory!

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About The Speakers

Tyra Harnishfeger

Tyra Harnishfeger


Christ Follower Sacra Via Creative Team Member Christian School Administrator